Tuesday 6 November 2012

Interview with Chris

As a group we conducted an interview with Chris who has two large tattoos on his arms. The interview went well. Below are pictures taken during and after the interview also pictures of his tattoos which will be used as cutaways.

Stigma tattoo

The interview with Stefan from Stigma tattoo was succesful as we were allowed to film two people getting a tattoo done as well as conducting an interview with Stefan himself. These are some of the images taken during the tattoo process and also pictures of the studio itself.

Studio 13

During another lesson we travelled to New Brighton to do an interview with Kev from Studio 13. We took images aswell as filming cut aways and the interview. Below are some of the images taken whilst conducting the interview, of the studio and cut aways.

Interview with Danny from Liverpool Ink

As a group we arranged an interview with Danny from Liverpool Ink. We then travelled to Liverpool to carry out the interview. Although the interview was succesful and we got many relevant answers about tattoos, we were unable to take pictures as Danny did not feel comfortable with pictures being taken of himself or his tattoos. We did however take a few pictures of his studio.

Sketches of interviews

Before carrying out our interviews we drew sketches of our interviews so that we could get an idea of the position and mise en scene we will use during them.


Secondry research

Music permission email

In relation to planning, we emailed the atlantic records studio in order to ask permission to use the ACDC song 'Highway To Hell' to use in our documentary and radio script.

Secondry research

primary research

Primary Research

Questionairre results and conclusions